Jag tar reglerna på Engelska:Who gets the "Brillante Webblog Award"? Websites and blogs, which by its currency,the issues of choice and for their designs are especially noteworthy.Here are the Award Rules:
1. The winner can take the logo.
2. Place a link to the person that send you the award.
3. Give the Award to at least 7 other Blogs, which by its currency,the issues of choice and for their designs are especially noteworthy.
4. Put a link to these sites on your Blog.
5. Write a comment on their Blogs that they've won an Award.
Jag vill skicka denna vidare till:
JennieJag vill skicka denna vidare till:
Susanne J
WOW! Tack för att du valde mig. Är ny inom bloggandet så jag blev superglad!
SvaraRaderaTACK! Så glad du gör mig!
SvaraRaderaVill ge tillbaka den för du har en underbar blogg som jag kommer att kika tillbaka till många gånger.
KRam SasSa